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Off-Campus Library Services: Inter-Library Loans

This guide is designed to assist Distance Education with accessing materials for their research.

What Are Inter-Library Loans?

Inter-Library Loans are materials borrowed by our library from other libraries and given to the person requesting the materials.  They are typically requested whenever someone needs an  item not in our library's collection. 

They are available for free and as of January, 2015, articles / book chapters will be delivered electronically.

How Do I Place An ILL?

ILLs can be placed:

  • Via an automated system via most databases, or
  • By typing in the citation information into our ILL Form.

Articles can take a week or so for delivery so please give us enough advanced notice.

Inter-Library Loans for Distance Education Students

The library provides Distance Education Students with access to Inter-Library Loans (ILLs) for journal articles  -  but cannot provide access to other library's books via our ILL service.  This is because of borrowing time restrictions for returnable items (i.e. Books).

We do endeavor to lend books if we know the patron will be in a position to pick up and return the material to us on time - just as would happen on campus. If this is not the case:

  • You can place an ILL request from a local public library.  To do so, provide them with a bibliographic citation which you can get from our  Worldcat database. The public library will insist that you register with them if you have not already done so. If they place an ILL for you, the item will then come near to where you live.


  • If you live in a community with a Canadian University, you should ask for a Reciprocal Borrowers Card  - as the card will allow you to borrow materials from other University Libraries.

You should also note that textbooks are difficult to get a hold of so requests for them are less likely to be filled.