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Faculty Resource Guide

This libguide provides information on a wide range of issues of relevance to faculty including how to link to library resources, what you can and cannot put into Moodle, Open Content Sites, and Information about new Scholarly Communication Hubs.

Information Literacy Classes

The John E. Robbins Library provides Information Literacy Sessions for students. If you wish a member of the library staff to do one of these classes for your students contact:

When you contact us, we will ask information about the course, what year the course is aimed at (e.g. First Year Students), and what you want students to learn.

We will also make suggestions based upon our knowledge of useful tools for different disciplines.

You can contact us either by Phone or by Email.  We are always pleased to help.

Library Guides

Ever try to figure out which library resource you should use for your research?  It  can be challenging as the library provides access to a wide array of databases, e-journals, e-books, online reference tools, primary sources, government documents, newspapers and data sets.  

For this reason the Library has created a number of subject related Libguides.  They highlight which resources are important for research in different disciplines.  They also provide students with additonal help consisting of:

  • Libguides teaching students how to create an Annotated Bibliography, Cite References, etc.
  • Embedded videos showing students how to Search Databases, Use Refworks,  Learn about important Information Literacy concepts (e.g. what is Peer Review)

You can help your students to find these subject guides by doing two things: 

  • Put the hypertext link to them in paper handouts (Course Assignments, Syllabi, etc.)
  • Link to them from your course sites on Moodle or on a Web Page

Library Research Videos

Multimedia Learning Objects can be effective educational tools as they appeal to people with different learning styles.  If you want use educational videos pertaining to doing research, try out the following:

To learn how to embed this content, check out the How To Embed section of this libguide.