Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals aims to increase the visablity of Open Access journals. It has a listing of all Open Access Publications that can be Browsed by Subject Area or Searched (some searching is at the article level, other searching is by the name of a journal.) Many of the journals listed in this Directory will also be indexed at the article level in more traditional indexes such as Medline.
JURN searches Open Access Journals, Books and Theses. It also lays claim to eliminating Predatory Publishers from its search.
Canadian Institutional Repositories
Listing of IRs in Canadian Universities. Each can be searched or browsed to locate information. Use a specific one if you know which institution a researcher works at. Their IR is the most likely place that the researcher will place their open content.
Listing of Repositories. Can browse repositories by geographical area or conduct advanced searches. Worldwide in scope.
Google map indicating where on the map one can locate institutional repositories.
Rich listing of repositories and Open Access in general.
Lists repositories by discipline. Includes links to some International ones where English may not be the first language.
Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
Lists repositories and has information about each including statistical deposit activity.
Open Library of the Humanities
Charitable organization dedicated to publishing Peer Reviewed Open Access scholarship with no author-facing article processing charges. Funded by Institutional Membership and grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Repository for Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology
Repository for biology, life sciences.
High Energy Physics
Repository for Cognitive Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Neurology, Biology
Data Repository for all disciplines
Scholarly commons to connect entire research cycle. Include General Repository for all disciplines
Biology, Life, Medical and Computer Science
Repository for Philosophy Papers
Repository for Research into the Philosophy of Science
Major Medical Repository hosted by the National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine
Major Economics repository with links to papers, and other information Economists wish to share.
Social Science Research Network
Social Sciences Repository that includes listings by discipline
General Repository for all disciplines. Can be used to solicit feedback, revise work and assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to the final work.
Accepts any file format from all disciplines. Provides DOI, supports harvesting of content via OAI-PMH, enables researchers to build their own collections. Builts on CERN and OpenAIRE, materials are archived on the CERN Document Server and enables researcher in Europe to report research funded by OpenAIRE. OIn future grants support will be extended elsewhere.
Open Access Button
The Open Access Button will search the web for a version of the paper that you can access immediately. Provided by SPARC.
OAIster is a database created by OCLC that uses the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) protocol to harvest Journal Articles, Thesis and Dissertations, Preprints, Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings (among other things) from Institutional Repositories and Open Access Journals around the globe. As citations are derived from Institutional Repositories or Open Access Journals, all items displayed are for items that are freely available for viewing and sharing (e.g Coursepacks).
The Directory of Open Access Publications (OpenDOAR) searches institutional repositories using Google's Indexing of these repositories - instead of the OAI protocal. OpenDOAR states "Users of this service can search through the world's repositories of freely available research information, with the assurance that each of these repositories has been assessed by OpenDOAR staff. This quality controlled approach will minimise (but not eliminate!) spurious or junk results, and lead more directly to useful and relevant information."
Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals aims to increase the visiblity of Open Access journals. It has a listing of all Open Access Publications that can be Browsed by Subject Area or Searched (some searching is at the article level, other searching is by the name of a journal.) Many of the journals listed in this Directory will also be indexed at the article level in more traditional indexes such as Medline.