Some research funding agencies are now requiring that authors provide open access to the peer-reviewed articles that report the results of their funded research.
The following sources provide information about publisher policies with regard to self-archiving of scholarly articles. These sources are not comprehensive, so in some cases it will be necessary to contact the journal publisher directly to ask about the policies that relate to a specific journal title.
Brandon University has an Institutional Repository (Institutional Repository at Brandon University or IRBU) where you can deposit your research to meet OA mandates (by funders) that specify research can be sent to repository. Brandon University does not currently have an Institutional Open Access Policy making this mandatory, however, if you are authoring a paper with a researcher in another university, they may face such a requirement as a growing number of academic institutions around the world have enacted policies to require the deposit of journal articles and other scholarly works to their institutional repositories. These policies can be adopted at departmental, faculty or institutional levels. ROARMAP provides a collection of links to such policies.
The Society for Scholarly Publishing SPARC and the Canadian Association of Research Libraies have developed a Canadian Author Addendum researchers can include as part of their publishing contract. More information about it can be found at:
SPARC Canadian Author Addendum
"The SPARC Canadian Author Addendum is a legal instrument that modifies the publisher's agreement and allows you to keep key rights to your articles."