To book a research appointment with a Librarian, please visit the John E. Robbins Library page at: and click the "Make a Research Appointment" on the left hand side.
V.R. (Virtual Reference) is available Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 4:00pm. Click the Chat button located on the bottom right of your browser window at to get started. Email us at when chat is offline. We will respond the following business day.
The Reference Desk (located on the 1st floor across from the Circulation Desk) is staffed from Monday -Friday from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. for in-person research help.
The Writing Skills (located behind the Reference Desk) is available for walk-in appointments this Fall Monday-Thursday from 1-3 p.m.
The Zoom link for online Writing Skills walk-ins is
Meeting I.D.: 973 9636 2442