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Acquisitions Fall 2023: Science

These are some resources you might consider viewing as school kicks back up again.

Conducting research literature reviews: from the internet to paper

Reviewing the literature : Why?, For whom?, How? -- Searching and screening : the practical screen and methodological quality -- Searching and screening : methodological quality -- Doing the review : a reader's guide chapter -- What did you find? : synthesizing results.

"Providing readers with an accessible, in-depth look at how to synthesize research literatureConducting Research Literature ReviewsFrom the Internet to Paper is perfect for students, researchers, marketers, planners, and policymakers who design and manage public and private agencies, conduct research studies, and prepare strategic plans and grant proposals. Bestselling author Arlene Fink shows readers how to explain the need for and significance of research, as well as how to explain a study's findings. Offering a step-by-step approach to conducting literature reviews, the Fifth Edition features new research, examples, and references from the social, behavioral, and health sciences, expanded coverage of qualitative research, updated and revised meta-analysis procedures, a brand new glossary of key terms, double the number of exercises, and additional examples of how to write reviews." -- Provided by publisher.


An Independent Publisher Book Awards Gold Medal Winner A Progressive Book of the Year A TechCrunch Favorite Read of the Year "Deeply researched and thoughtful." --Nature "An extended exercise in myth busting." --Outside "A critique of both popular and scientific understandings of the hormone, and how they have been used to explain, or even defend, inequalities of power." --The Observer Testosterone is a familiar villain, a ready culprit for everything from stock market crashes to the overrepresentation of men in prisons. But your testosterone level doesn't actually predict your appetite for risk, sex drive, or athletic prowess. It isn't the biological essence of manliness--in fact, it isn't even a male sex hormone. So what is it, and how did we come to endow it with such superhuman powers? T's story begins when scientists first went looking for the chemical essence of masculinity. Over time, it provided a handy rationale for countless behaviors--from the boorish to the enviable. Testosterone focuses on what T does in six domains: reproduction, aggression, risk-taking, power, sports, and parenting, addressing heated debates like whether high-testosterone athletes have a natural advantage as well as disagreements over what it means to be a man or woman. "This subtle, important book forces rethinking not just about one particular hormone but about the way the scientific process is embedded in social context." --Robert M. Sapolsky, author of Behave "A beautifully written and important book. The authors present strong and persuasive arguments that demythologize and defetishize T as a molecule containing quasi-magical properties, or as exclusively related to masculinity and males." --Los Angeles Review of Books "Provides fruitful ground for understanding what it means to be human, not as isolated physical bodies but as dynamic social beings." --Science

Building a Nation at War

Building a Nation at War argues that the Chinese Nationalist government's retreat inland during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), its consequent need for inland resources, and its participation in new scientific and technical relationships with the United States led to fundamental changes in how the Nationalists engaged with science and technology as tools to promote development. The war catalyzed an emphasis on applied sciences, comprehensive economic planning, and development of scientific and technical human resources-all of which served the Nationalists' immediate and long-term goals. It created an opportunity for the Nationalists to extend control over inland China and over education and industry. It also provided opportunities for China to mobilize transnational networks of Chinese-Americans, Chinese in America, and the American government and businesses. These groups provided technical advice, ran training programs, and helped the Nationalists acquire manufactured goods and tools. J. Megan Greene shows how the Nationalists worked these programs to their advantage, even in situations where their American counterparts clearly had the upper hand. Finally, this book shows how, although American advisers and diplomats criticized China for harboring resources rather than putting them into winning the war against Japan, US industrial consultants were also strongly motivated by postwar goals.

Nutrition : concepts and controversies

"More conversational than a pure-science text, this book explores the essentials of nutrition--including how the body breaks down and uses food, food safety, sports nutrition and special nutritional needs throughout the human life cycle--and asks you to weigh in on relevant debates, such as sustainable diets, the safety of supplements, genetically modified foods, how much is too much sugar, and keto and paleodiets" description from 20 years of thrift books website