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How to Post an Electronic Theses (eTheses): Thesis / Practicum Copyright License

Guide lists all the steps one needs to follow when posting an e-Thesis to BU's Open Access Repository (IRBU)

What is a Thesis / Practicum Copyright License?

Brandon University’s Thesis / Practicum Report Copyright License and Declaration, is a legal document that enables the University to make a Thesis Openly Available.  In particular it mandates that all graduate student theses are Open Access and made available to under a Non-Exclusive Copyright License.  This license grants the University Library the right to:

  1. Collect and openly house all theses in (a)  its Thesis Site and (b) the national Theses Canada Portal offered by Library and Archives Canada,
  2. Reproduce, distribute, display, perform and transmit the work, in whole or in part; and authorize others to do so for non-profit educational purposes,
  3. Electronically, in print, or any other format; as now, or may exist in the future;  archive, format, preserve, produce, reproduce, publish and communicate works to the public for non-commercial purposes.

The license does not:

  1. Permit the sale of authorized reproductions and copies at a profit, but it does permit BU to charge an amount equal to actual production costs. (e.g. actual photocopy costs)
  2. Confer copyright or moral rights to BU.

In order to sign this license you must either be the sole copyright holder or have be cleared to use other's intellectual property as outlined above. Once you have obtained copyright and signed the license you can then proceed by gathering all relevant files for sharing.


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Carmen Kazakoff-Lane
Carmen Kazakoff -Lane, Scholarly Communications Librarian
John E. Robbins Library - ( LB 2-19 )
270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba
R7A 6A9

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Website Skype Contact: Kazakofflane