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Music Library Guide: Career-Related Resources

An introduction to the Brandon University Music Library.

Donna Recommends: Manitoba Music Manitoba Music offers programs, resources and workshops to help musicians in the province promote themselves, write grants, etc. They also have a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, and you can follow them on Facebook to keep up with their latest updates. 

Opportunities are listed on their website under Opportunities and Professional Development: 



The Manitoba Arts Network ( is a non-profit membership organization that promotes and showcases the performing and visual arts in Manitoba, with memberships starting at $25.00. 

Laura Recommends: Music Professionals of Manitoba ( This is the union chapter for Manitoba Musicians. Being a member of a union can result in unexpected gigs, just from someone seeing your name listed as a member! Being a member also insures that you are being paid fairly, and they even contribute money towards a pension plan (per gig) for you.