Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
Set up your search: for a Library Catalog (One Stop Search) - keep your search simple. Start with the most descriptive health term/s (such as the specific disease – cancer, diabetes, etc., or the worker – nurses, pharmacists, etc., or whatever term identifies what you want). Then try including the term statistics in your search as this word is a Subject term in many records. Sample searches:
diabetes statistics
births statistics
health graduates statistics
Geography, sex, age, income levels, and so on may be more tricky. Usually, these will be included in the statistical breakdown of your topic.(For example, statistics on tuberculosis likely include categories for age, sex, geography. However, these latter terms may not be searchable - the material may simply be indexed as Tuberculosis statistics in Canada.) Prepare to search for your main topic, and then look at what's available within that topic.