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Indigenous Literature

This guide may assist patrons researching topics in Indigenous Literature. The focus will be on North America: works written by Indigenous authors, as well as materials about the work of these authors.

How to find books for kids

Yes, the BU Library has books for kids! Here's the best way to find them:

1) Search using the Library Catalogue/One Stop Search.

  • If you know the name of the book you want, search for the title, i.e. Living with Animals Ojibwe Spirit Powers
  • If you know the author you want, search that name, i.e. David Bouchard
  • If you want books on a specific topic for children, search for that topic, but be prepared to try different words/more than one search. Samples of searches:
    • ravens juvenile fiction
    • ravens childrens stories
    • bears indigenous fiction
    • first nation stories juvenile

2) Browse a Library collection dedicated to children's/juvenile literature.

Are all the children's books in one place? There is no ONE area for children's literature in the Library. If, instead of using One Stop Search, you want to browse the collection, try:

  • the Indigenous Curriculum Collection (previously known as the Aboriginal Curriculum Initiatives Collection) on the First Floor,
  • the Manitoba Curriculum collection on the First Floor (ordered by subject and grade level)
  • the Education and Juvenile Collection. This collection contains fiction and nonfiction children's books/juvenile literature and teaching materials related to K-12 and is located on the Main Floor of the Main Library, outside of the Convergys Lab. The collection continues to grow as materials are identified within the existing Library holdings as eligible for this new collection. Currently, this collection does not contain items from the Music Library.
  • How can I find online materials? By doing a BU Library catalogue search. If BU Library provides online access, the link to the online version should appear within the record for the result.

    Not finding what you want? Ask us for help.