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Zoom: Student: Help


If the Zoom link does not work, contact your instructor as soon as possible. (Contact your professor through your Moodle course site.)

If you are disconnected from Zoom during a class, reuse the link to return to class. (Repeat the process explained above to join the class to re-enter the class.)

Problems with audio echo or audio feedback during your Zoom meeting? It could be that: 

  • someone in your meeting is using more than one device, and has more than one audio feed open, or
  • someone in your meeting is using more than one device and the speakers on those devices are too close together, or
  • two or more people in your meeting have gathered in the same room, on different devices, and more than one of them has their audio open.

Close all but one audio feed if you are alone. If in a group, you may want to consider headphones. 


If you have questions about the technical requirements of Zoom, please contact the BU IT Help Desk.

IT Services has created a Zoom Solutions Page. Check it for a possible quick-fix for your issue - here.