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Information Tools: Book Reviews

A collection of tools to help you find the information you need.

New York Times Books News

Where Do I Find Book Reviews?

There are three kinds of sources for book reviews:

  • Newspapers: It used to be that most newspapers would print reviews of major new books and major newspapers would have a weekly section devoted to book reviews. Those days are gone. Most newspapers still have book reviews, but they only review a few really important books. The most famous newspaper source is the New York Times Book Review. You can find the Globe and Mail book reviews in the Globe and Mail.
  • Magazines: Although many magazines have eliminated book reviews from their pages, there are still many general interest magazines that carry reviews as well as a few magazines devoted to book reviews. The best way to find these reviews is through a general database like Academic Source Premier.
  • Academic Journals: Many academic journals will review books published in their specialty. These reviews are not intended for the average reader but for other specialists. The best way to find these reviews is through a specialized subject database or an academic research database like Web of Science (where you can limit your search to book reviews).