there are a variety of information sources which can help you with your research. These sources can provide you with:
Brandon University has access to the Dictionary of National Biography, and Credo Reference.
Information resources can help you find:
The Definition of a Word | Dictionaries |
Short Overviews of a Topic | Encyclopedias and Handbooks |
Information on Individuals | Biographical Dictionaries and Indexes |
Statistical / Demographic / Economic Data | Almanacs, Government Information |
Terminology specific to a field of study. | Subject Glossaries, Encyclopedias |
Maps | Maps and Atlases Sites |
Quotes | Quotation Dictionaries |
People, Companies, Organizations or Governments | Directories, Governments |
Government Information | Government Information, Library Catalog |
Book Reviews | Book Review Sources |
How to properly write and cite papers | Citation Guides |
Theses and Dissertations | Theses and Dissertations |
NOTE: You may also want to ask about additional Reference Materials at the library's Information Desk, or consult the Library Catalog to see what they recommend.