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Reference Tools

there are a variety of information sources which can help you with your research. These sources can provide you with:

  1. A general introduction to your topic.
  2. Additional data needed to explain, defend or corroborate your research.
  3. Unique resources such as Maps, Doctoral Dissertations, Conference Proceedings, Government Information, etc.

Brandon University has access to the Dictionary of National Biography, and Credo Reference.

Information resources can help you find:

The Definition of a Word Dictionaries
Short Overviews of a Topic Encyclopedias and Handbooks
Information on Individuals Biographical Dictionaries and Indexes
Statistical / Demographic / Economic Data Almanacs, Government Information
Terminology specific to a field of study. Subject Glossaries, Encyclopedias
Maps Maps and Atlases Sites
Quotes Quotation Dictionaries
People, Companies, Organizations or Governments Directories, Governments
Government Information Government Information, Library Catalog
Book Reviews Book Review Sources
How to properly write and cite papers Citation Guides
Theses and Dissertations Theses and Dissertations


NOTE: You may also want to ask about additional Reference Materials at the library's Information Desk, or consult the Library Catalog to see what they recommend.


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