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Indigenous Resources - Background, Policy, Analysis: Sixties Scoop

This guide is an introduction to some of the books, articles, and online resources available to you.

Sixties Scoop: Searching Suggestions

On this page you will find online links related to the Sixties Scoop, a short section of links for information on the "Millennium Scoop", and a sample of  some of the print materials in the BU Library that contain information on the Sixties Scoop.

When you are searching this topic, remember that the terms Sixties Scoop also may appear as 60s Scoop or 60's Scoop. If you are having trouble locating materials for this topic, try searching one of the alternate terms. (Suggestions: adoption and transracial adoption.)

Want more suggestions? Help with the databases? Please ask for help - either at the Library or contact us - our information is on the right of this page.

"Sixties Scoop" - Suggestions

"Millennium Scoop" - Suggestions

     See especially chapter A Third Era: The Millennium Scoop, beginning on page 54.

Books in the Library

A search on the Brandon University One Stop Search might look like this:

(sixties OR 60s OR 60) AND scoop

There will be results, including: Supporting Aboriginal Parents, and 2 versions of Native Children and the Child Welfare System (one online and one in print).

There are other books in the BU Library on this topic - a book may cover several topics and the Sixties Scoop may be one of them. Others may provide brief information on a particular aspect of the topic. Try checking the titles in the bibliographies of materials you do find for additional materials. To give you a head start, I have done some searching from other bibliographies - below you find SOME of the items in the BU Library that contain material on the Sixties Scoop. I encourage you to search bibliographies and other databases on your own.

No Quiet Place also is available online. It has been separated into 2 parts:

        For example, Chapter 4: The Sixties and Seventies Scoop and the Genocide Convention. Also check the Index for Sixties Scoop.