Now that you have logged on, you want to find your class.
If you have used your course enrolment key and enroled in your course in Moodle, that class will appear in the My Courses area.
If you are logging in to Moodle and have not enroled in any courses on Moodle, you will not see the My Courses area. If you have enroled in Moodle courses in previous semesters, you may see this area.
If you need to enrol in a course, follow the instructions below.
To enrol in your course, log in the BU Moodle homepage, find the column Course Categories.
You will need to know the Department your class is in - for example, Biology or the number for the Biology Department - 15. Click on the Department name to find your course.
From the classes listed, find yours. Note that some classes may be offered more than once - find the one for which you are registered. In this example, I have selected Majumder's Introduction to Biology.
Once you click on your class, you will see the following screen. You may use your enrolment key for your class to enrol yourself. Enter the key and click Enrol me.
Repeat the enrolment process for each of your Moodle courses.