As in the first 2 methods for submitting your assignment, go to your course page and click Assignment.
You will see the Assignment page. Click Add submission.
You will now be at the page where you may make your submission. The page will likely be titled with the name of your specific assignment. On this page, you are looking for the Recorder option. Within the Recorder option, you may see a red dot for Audio, or a red video camera for Video.
Also on this page, you will see a place to file a document submission. This is separate from an audio or video submission.
When you are prepared to begin recording an audio or video submission, press the audio or video option.
There's no delay. Once the button is pressed, it's recording.
For document submissions, the option to drag and drop files is available.
Note the Save changes button under File submissions. Once you have finished creating your audio or video file, click the Save changes button. This will take you to the Submission status page.
You can see in the Submission status line that your submission is a draft.
You may edit your submission by clicking on the Edit submission button.
When you are ready to submit your audio or video, click the Submit assignment button.
As the professor has asked for this information, you must complete the Confirm submission screen.
You are bound by Brandon University Academic Integrity principles whether or not this screen appears.
Once you have clicked Continue, the Submission status page reappears. Now you can see the assignment has been submitted for grading.
If your professor has enabled the feature, you will get an email confirming the submission.
This video will show the process for submitting a audio or video assignment within Moodle.